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You searched for: salmonellosi
  • Salmonellosis for Kids

    Salmonellosis is an illness caused by a bacteria found in raw food, soil, water and the bowel movements of some animals, including reptiles. Find out how to prevent this illness.

  • Salmonellosis for Teens

    People often think of salmonellosis as food poisoning, but food is only one way the bacteria Salmonella can be spread.

  • A to Z Symptom: Diarrhea for Parents

    Diarrhea (loose, watery, or more frequent stools) can be a symptom of many conditions, including common infections. Most cases go away in a few days with proper home care.

  • A to Z Symptom: Vomiting for Parents

    Most cases of vomiting are due to viral gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") and can be managed at home with treatment to prevent dehydration.

  • Food Safety: Fruits & Vegetables for Parents

    Kids need daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Here's how to make sure the produce you buy and prepare is safe.

  • Stool Test: Bacteria Culture for Parents

    A stool culture helps doctors see if there's a bacterial infection in the intestines.

  • A to Z: Yersiniosis for Parents

    Learn more about bacterial infections and illnesses that result from improper food preparation.

  • Yersiniosis for Parents

    Yersiniosis is an uncommon infection caused by the consumption of undercooked meat products, unpasteurized milk, or water contaminated by the bacteria.

  • Diarrhea for Teens

    Nearly everybody gets diarrhea every once in a while, and it's usually caused by gastrointestinal infections. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Read this article to learn more.

  • Food Poisoning for Parents

    Sometimes, germs can get into food and cause food poisoning. Find out what to do if your child gets food poisoning - and how to prevent it.