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You searched for: ill-sibling
  • Cerebral Palsy (CP) (Topic Center) for Parents

    Learn all about cerebral palsy (CP), a problem that affects muscle tone, movement, and coordination. Help your child or teen manage the condition, and find the help and services that kids with CP are entitled to.

  • Parenting Multiples for Parents

    Parents of twins (or more!) can feel as if they've left the hospital and arrived home on a different planet. Here's how to cope.

  • Diabetes: Dealing With Feelings for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you may spend a lot of time thinking about the physical effects. But it's also important to understand the emotional issues surrounding a diabetes diagnosis.

  • What to Do When You Feel Lonely for Kids

    Everyone feels lonely sometimes. Find out what loneliness is about and what you can do about it.

  • Getting Help With Homework for Teens

    Many students wonder: How can I get help with my homework? Here are some tips.

  • Everyday Reading Opportunities for Parents

    Finding time to read is important to developing literacy skills. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of every day.

  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding or Clenching) for Parents

    Gnashing and grinding teeth, called bruxism, is common in kids, and often happens during deep sleep or while a child is under stress.

  • Road Tripping for Teens

    Whether you're driving your friends to the beach for the day or going on vacation with your family, read these tips for surviving road trips.

  • Alpha Thalassemia for Parents

    Alpha thalassemia is a blood disorder in which the body has a problem producing alpha globin, a component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body.

  • Fanconi Anemia for Parents

    Fanconi anemia is an inherited condition in which the bone marrow doesn’t work normally. A child with the condition needs lifelong medical care.

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