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  • Childhood Fears and Worries for Parents

    It's normal for children to feel afraid at times. Parents can help kids feel safe and learn to feel at ease.

  • Cholera for Parents

    While cholera isn't common in the U.S., it can be a health threat elsewhere. Learn about cholera and how to prevent it.

  • Donating Blood for Teens

    There's a 97% chance that someone you know will need a blood transfusion. Blood donors — especially donors with certain blood types — are always in demand. Find out what's involved in this article for teens.

  • Nightmares for Parents

    It’s normal for kids to have nightmares occasionally. You can't completely prevent nightmares, but you can help make them less likely and help your child get back to sleep.

  • Managing Home Health Care for Parents

    When kids need intensive health care after they're discharged from the hospital, family and caregivers should learn about the devices, equipment, and support they'll need.

  • Temper Tantrums for Parents

    Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath holding. Get the facts on managing - and preventing - temper tantrums.

  • Rejection and How to Handle It for Teens

    Rejection hurts. But it's impossible to avoid. Life is about going for things. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility.

  • Cholera for Teens

    Cholera is an intestinal infection that mostly affects people in tropical regions. Find out more about cholera in this article for teens.

  • Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm for Parents

    Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes can be a lot for kids to handle. Here's how to help children feel less stressed.

  • Jobs & Volunteering for Teens

    Find out the basics on working, internships, and volunteering here.

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