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You searched for: weight-diabetes
  • Growth Charts for Parents

    Doctors use growth charts to figure out whether kids' height and weight measurements are "normal" and whether they're developing on track. Here are some facts about growth charts.

  • Failure to Thrive for Parents

    Most kids grow well but some have ”failure to thrive.” This means they don't gain weight as expected and may not grow as tall as they should.

  • Your Newborn's Growth for Parents

    A newborn's growth and development is measured from the moment of birth. Find out if your baby's size is normal, and what to expect as your baby grows.

  • Strength Training for Parents

    With a properly designed and supervised program, strength training can be a fun way for kids to build healthy muscles, joints, and bones.

  • Binge Eating Disorder for Teens

    Binge eating is a type of eating disorder. This article explains what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

  • Losing Weight: Brandon's Story (Video) for Teens

    Brandon, 17, has lost 70 pounds through better eating and exercise. In this video he talks about what inspired him and how he stayed on track.

  • Cholesterol for Teens

    Cholesterol is a type of fat found in your blood. The body needs some cholesterol, but too much can be a problem. Discover more about cholesterol.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) for Teens

    In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries produce higher than normal amounts of certain hormones, which can interfere with egg development and release. Learn how doctors diagnose and treat PCOS.

  • Backpack Basics for Teens

    Backpacks help you to stay organized. They're also better for carrying school supplies than messenger or other shoulder bags. But can they cause health problems?

  • Eating Disorders for Teens

    Eating disorders are problems that affect a person’s eating behaviors as well as attitudes and feelings about food and their body. This article for teens describes how different eating disorders impact a person's health and emotions.