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You searched for: allergy-testing
  • Blood Test: von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Antigen for Parents

    Doctors order the vWF antigen test to help diagnose or monitor the treatment of von Willebrand disease.

  • Blood Test: Immunoglobulin A (IgA) for Parents

    Checking IgA levels can help doctors diagnose problems with the immune system, intestines, and kidneys. It's also used to check autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and celiac disease.

  • Blood Test: Testosterone for Parents

    A testosterone blood test may be done if a child seems to be entering puberty earlier or later than expected, or to check for damage or disease of the testes or ovaries, adrenal glands, or pituitary glands.

  • COVID-19 Tests: Which One Is Best? for Parents

    Two kinds of tests can see if someone is infected with COVID-19: molecular tests (such as PCR) and antigen tests. Find out how they differ and which might be best for you or your family.

  • Blood Test: Estradiol for Parents

    Estradiol is the most important form of the hormone estrogen. Doctors may order an estradiol test if puberty seems to be starting earlier or later than expected, or to evaluate menstrual problems.

  • Blood Test: Luteinizing Hormone (LH) for Parents

    A luteinizing hormone (LH) test measures the level of this hormone in the bloodstream. LH plays an important role in sexual development.

  • Test-Taking Tips for Teens

    Do you sweat, chew your pencil, and feel butterflies in your stomach as your teacher hands out a test? Study these test-taking tips!

  • Prenatal Tests: Second Trimester for Parents

    Find out what tests may be offered to you during weeks 13 through 26 of pregnancy.

  • Stool Test: Giardia for Parents

    This test may be done if a child has watery diarrhea, belly pain, lots of intestinal gas, appetite loss, and nausea or vomiting.

  • Prenatal Tests: First Trimester for Parents

    Find out what tests may be offered to you during the first trimester of pregnancy.