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You searched for: heroin
  • Kids and Smoking for Parents

    The health risks of smoking are well known, many young people still do it. Here's how to help your kids avoid smoking, vaping, or using chewing tobacco - or quit, if they've already started.

  • What's Addiction? for Kids

    An addiction is an urge to do something that is hard to control or stop.

  • What Is Ketamine? for Parents

    Ketamine hydrochloride is a quick-acting anesthetic that can cause intoxication, hallucinations, and even death when taken in dangerously high doses.

  • Recreational Drugs and Pregnancy for Parents

    Drug use during pregnancy can cause many problems, both in the mother and baby.

  • A to Z: Botulism, Wound for Parents

    Learn about bacterial infections, foodborne illnesses, and conditions that affect the nervous system.

  • Salvia for Teens

    There are many types of salvia plants. One, salvia divinorum, has a substance that can cause psychedelic experiences. Learn more about salvia in this article for teens.

  • What Are Amphetamines? for Parents

    Amphetamines (including prescription diet pills) are highly addictive stimulants that accelerate functions in the brain and body.

  • What Is Nicotine? for Parents

    Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant. Those who start smoking before age 21 have the hardest time breaking the habit.

  • What You Need to Know About Drugs for Kids

    Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. Some drugs help you feel better, but drugs also can harm you. Learn more in this article for kids.

  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) for Parents

    Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is when a baby has withdrawal from a medicine or drug the mom took while she was pregnant.