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Hospital Sant Joan de Deu

Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona
Passeig de Sant Joan de Deu, 2
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
Barcelona, España
Tel. +34 93 253 21 00 - hospitalbarcelona.info@sjd.es

What's an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Orthopedic Surgeon

Say: or-tho-PEE-dik SUR-jun

Some doctors know a lot about all kinds of medical problems. Other doctors are "specialists" who focus on one particular type of medical problem.

Orthopedic surgeons (also called orthopedists) are specialists who treat injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which includes your muscles, bones, and joints. They can put on casts and do operations, and also can recommend exercises and ways to prevent injuries.