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You searched for: az-symptoms-muscle-weakness
  • Juvenile Dermatomyositis for Parents

    Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an autoimmune disease that makes muscles, skin, and sometimes other organs become inflamed or damaged.

  • A to Z: Hernia, Epigastric for Parents

    Learn about hernias and conditions that affect the abdomen and abdominal muscles.

  • Rickets for Parents

    Rickets is when bones become soft and weak, usually because a child doesn't get enough vitamin D. Most kids with rickets get better with treatment.

  • Ptosis for Parents

    Ptosis is drooping of the upper eyelid. Many things can cause it.

  • A to Z: Botulism for Parents

    Learn about bacterial infections, foodborne illnesses, and conditions that affect the nervous system.

  • A to Z: Bell's Palsy for Parents

    Learn about complications of viral infections and conditions that can affect the face and nervous system.

  • A to Z: Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease for Parents

    Learn about neurological disorders and conditions that affect the arms and legs.

  • Burner (Stinger) for Parents

    Burners (or stingers) are injuries to the nerve network in the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand, and fingers. They're pretty common in sports and usually go away quickly.

  • Hernias for Parents

    Hernias are fairly common in kids, and hernia repair is one of the most common pediatric surgeries.

  • A to Z: Dermatomyositis for Parents

    Learn about dermatomyositis, an inflammatory muscle disease that weakens muscles and produces a distinctive skin rash.