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You searched for: nursing-problems
  • Health Care Providers: Obstetricians & Gynecologists for Parents

    Obstetrics & gynecology is the branch of medicine that treats conditions and problems related to female reproductive health.

  • Parenting Multiples for Parents

    Parents of twins (or more!) can feel as if they've left the hospital and arrived home on a different planet. Here's how to cope.

  • Going to the Doctor for Kids

    When you go to the doctor for a checkup, it's because your parents and your doctor want to see that you're growing just the way you should. Read all about what happens at the doctor's office.

  • Health Care Providers: Orthopedists for Parents

    An orthopedist, or orthopedic surgeon, studies, diagnoses, and treats conditions that affect muscles, joints, and bones, such as infections, sports injuries, broken bones, and joint problems.

  • Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding for Parents

    Making a decision to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a personal one. There are some points to consider to help you decide which option is best for you and your baby.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Spitting Up, Gagging, and Biting for Parents

    Here are answers to some common questions about handling spitting up, gagging, and other concerns during breastfeeding.

  • Anesthesia - What to Expect for Teens

    Here's a quick look at what may happen before, during, and after you get anesthesia.

  • Health Care Providers: Midwives for Parents

    A midwife specializes in female reproductive health care needs such as prenatal care, labor, delivery, postpartum care, and newborn care for low-risk pregnancies.

  • School-Based Health Centers for Parents

    School-based health centers provide a range of services to meet kids' and teens' health care needs. Centers usually are inside a school building or right next door.

  • Getting the Most From a Doctor's Visit for Parents

    Here are tips on the best ways to communicate with your child's doctor and get the most information during a visit.

Long Live Childhood

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