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From well-child visits to specialized treatment of complex illnesses and injuries, we offer comprehensive care from an exceptional team of doctors, nurses and allied professionals.


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You searched for: anesthesia-types
  • Biopsies for Parents

    Doctors order biopsies to examine tissue or cells when they're concerned about a problem such as an infection, inflammation, or cancer.

  • Health Care Providers: Nurses for Parents

    Nurses provide much of the day-to-day care in hospitals, doing vital jobs like giving medicine and educating patients about self-care. Many kinds of nurses provide varying levels of care.

  • What's It Like to Have Surgery? for Teens

    Knowing what to expect with surgery before you get to the hospital can make you less anxious about your surgical experience - and less stress helps a person recover faster.

  • Health Care Providers: Anesthesiologists for Parents

    An anesthesiologist is a doctor who oversees the medicine given to patients to prevent pain during medical procedures.

  • Epidurals for Parents

    Epidurals can make giving birth more calm, controlled, and comfortable. Find out more.

  • Surgery for Tear Duct Blockage for Parents

    Blocked tear ducts are a fairly common problem in infants. Sometimes surgery is done to treat them.

  • Surgeries and Procedures: Laryngoscopy for Parents

    Laryngoscopy, a visual examination below the back of the throat, can help discover the causes of voice and breathing problems, pain in the throat or ear, difficulty in swallowing, narrowing of the throat, blockages in the airway, and vocal cord problems.

  • Cesarean Sections (C-Sections) for Parents

    Many babies are delivered via cesarean sections. Learn why and how C-sections are done.

  • Surgeries and Procedures: Retinopathy of Prematurity for Parents

    Retinopathy of prematurity, which mostly occurs in premature babies, is a disease that causes abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina. Sometimes surgery is needed to prevent vision loss or blindness.

  • Cleft Palate With Cleft Lip for Parents

    A cleft palate with a cleft lip is when a baby's lip and palate (roof of mouth) don't form properly during pregnancy. Most kids with cleft lip and palate are treated successfully with no lasting problems.