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Aetna Better Health of Michigan (Medicaid)

Aetna Better Health of Michigan

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Is It Normal for One Testicle to Be Bigger?

One of my testicles is bigger than the other. How can I find out if it's a problem?

It's normal for guys to have one testicle a bit bigger than the other. A normal size difference is about the size of half a teaspoon, and usually the right testicle is larger than the left.

If one testicle is just a little bigger than the other, you can ask your doctor about it at your next checkup. But call your doctor right away if your testicles ever hurt, or if you ever notice a lump or bump in or near your testicles.

It’s a good idea to check your testicles every month so you’re familiar with their normal size and shape. This way if something changes, you will know it and can talk to your doctor about it.

Medically reviewed by: Amy W. Anzilotti, MD
Date reviewed: January 2021